Word of the CEO
It has become clear to all now that climate change is a huge challenge. The challenge is that while actions we must take now can and will pay off, their impact may only be noticeable in 20 years time or beyond. The challenge is that current generations need to make efforts not for themselves but for those who will come after them. In a society addicted to instant gratification, the challenge is to focus on longer term objectives.
At Atlanti, with the third generation now working in the company, we have lived the value of long term thinking and we know that we can make a long term impact with actions taken today. The concept of sustainability, of thinking about our duty and responsibilities towards generations to come is engrained in our company’s thinking.
Our commitment to sustainable investments instils in us the duty we all hold for future generations. Perspective matters

Climate Risk can be managed
While Climate change is inevitable, especially as we are “addicted” to energy consumption, it can be managed.
Our climate “budget” is finite. Transition to net-zero is our only option.
We can still decide which path we want to take.
Climate Crisis and why we need to avoid it.
Global CO2 emissions continue to rise relentlessly
With another record high reached in 2019
Climate Change is Inevitable but it’s amplidude mainly depends on our capacity to globally reduce the CO2 emission.
A +4 °C temperature increase by 2100 means a large portion of the African, Asian and South American continent would be uninhabitable.
Investment requirements and opportunities for climate and environmental projects will be huge over the coming decades

Why Financials are part of the solution?
On July 21, ECB has presented an action plan to include climate change considerations in its monetary policy strategy in the areas of disclosure, risk assessment, collateral framework and corporate sector asset purchases.
Followed the Net-zero banking alliance … 43 banks and USD 28.5 trillion in assets
Fund Investment
GAM Star Credit Opportunities
The GAM Star Credit Opportunities is classified as SFDR 8 (Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation).
An Article 8 Fund under SFDR is defined as “a Fund which promotes, among other characteristics, environmental or social characteristics, or a combination of those characteristics, provided that the companies in which the investments are made follow good governance practices.
Fund classified as SFDR article 8 driven by ESG integration and sustainability
Full Integration
ESG is fully integrated in our investment process
- Material ESG issues influence investment decisions
Sustainability Exclusions
Explicit Sustainability exclusion criteria
- Business involvement in weapons, tobacco, thermal coal, oil sands
- Breach of UN global compact principles
- Business involvement in weapons, tobacco, thermal coal, oil sands
- Breach of UN global compact principles
Close monitoring of ESG issues
- Weekly monitoring of changes in ESG ratings and controversies
- Where relevant ad-hoc note from analysts discussed at investment committees
Explicit Sustainability exclusion criteria
- UN PRI signatories
- Monthly reporting on ESG rating of the funds
Climate Bond Fund
Tangible impacts across a wide range of initiatives (per €10m invested)

- 1,510 tons of CO2 emissions avoided per year
- Equivalent to the emissions of a car travelling 212 times around the Earth

- 2.5 MWh of renewable energy capacity installed and 5,220 MWh of energy generated
- Equivalent to nearly 35,000,000 km driven by electric cars

- 1,080 m² of green buildings financed
- Equivalent to 10 average European houses

- 830 tons of waste treated per annum
- Equivalent to annual waste of 160 people

- 270 m³ of water treated per day
- Equivalent to the consumption of nearly 2,000 European households
- 270 m³ of water treated per day
- Equivalent to the consumption of nearly 2,000 European households

- 2980 m² of buildings refurbished
- Equivalent to nearly 30 European houses
Wealth Management
Discretionary Mandates
Atlanti offers to its private clients investment in thematic investment approach with a focus on broader, macroeconomic themes. Thematic investing follows certain social, economic, corporate, demographic, or other themes that are popular in society.
Within Atlanti discretionary mandates, we offer to interested investors the possibility to participate in these powerful ESG trends by choosing, in collaboration with us, their favorite thematics and allocate a piece of the investment mandate.
Invest in equities of companies providing water supply or processing services, water technology or environment.
Clean Energy
Invest in equities of companies that contribute to lowering carbon emissions by, for instance, favoring clean energy in their production process.
Climate Impact
Invest in companies around the world that contribute to the fight against global warming.
Aging Protection
Invest in companies deriving a significant portion of their revenues from the aging population theme. It tends towards Healthcare, Consumer and Financial sectors.
Global Security
Invest in companies related to prevention/protection and environmental safety, security, transportation safety, and crime prevention.
Invest in pure-play companies which sell products and automation solutions to raise productivity, improve quality of life and perform dangerous tasks.
Digital Healthcare
Invest globally in innovation companies which are driving a revolution in the health care sector through the application of technology.
Smart Transportation
Invest in companies worldwide that provide technology, product and services in the sector of electromobility, digital networking and autonomous vehicles.

Smart Future Payments
Invest in companies focused on enabling the next-generation transformation of payment infrastructure. capitalizing on the transition taking place from cash/physical credit card payment to a mobile/ digital system.

Video Games & eSports
Invest in companies that develop or publish video games, facilitate the streaming and distribution of video gaming or esports content, own and operate within competitive esports leagues.
Disruptive Technology
Invest in advancement in innovative technologies led by cloud computing, the internet of things and artificial intelligence that are enabling new transformative business models.
Invest in companies that generate revenues from the application of technology in the financial services industry sector and/or which aim to compete with traditional methods in the operation and distribution of financial product and services.
We are listed as a signatory of the UN-supported PRI
Atlanticomnium has signed up to the United Nations supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI).
The PRI is an international global network of asset managers, owners and service providers working together to put responsible investment into practice. The principles, which are voluntary, aim to provide a framework for integrating environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) considerations into investment decision-making and ownership practices.