by Atlanti | Nov 5, 2022 | Analysis & Performance, News, USD
October was a better month for risk assets, notably subordinated debt which performed strongly. Softening gas and energy prices, coupled with the latest developments in the UK, as well as a more dovish tone by the European Central Bank (ECB) all helped the sentiment at the end of the month.
by Atlanti | Oct 5, 2022 | Analysis & Performance, News, USD
September was a challenging month as the macro backdrop continues to be difficult, with notably concerns regarding inflation, the potential for a hard landing, the energy crisis and events in the UK following the appointment of the new prime minister.
by Atlanti | Sep 5, 2022 | Analysis & Performance, News, USD
August was a month of two halves. The month began strongly, and this strength was extended following the lower-than-expected US CPI data. During the second part of August, we saw prices of risk assets fall.
by Atlanti | Aug 5, 2022 | Analysis & Performance, News, USD
June was a very weak month for risk assets, concluding a weak first half of the year. To put this into context, from a total return perspective, subordinated debt had one of its worst months in the last decade. High CPI numbers and hawkish statements from central banks have …
by Atlanti | Jul 13, 2022 | Analysis & Performance, News, USD
June was a very weak month for risk assets, concluding a weak first half of the year. To put this into context, from a total return perspective, subordinated debt had one of its worst months in the last decade. High CPI numbers and hawkish statements from central banks have …
by Atlanti | Jun 21, 2022 | Analysis & Performance, News, USD
May was volatile, although sentiment started turning slightly more positive at the end of the month. Spreads on subordinated debt of financials remain extremely wide. A number of our holdings have spreads well above 450 bps. Concerns regarding inflation remain and...