Monthly Commentary – June 21 USD

Monthly Commentary – June 21 USD

June was a positive month for the securities held within our fund. Spreads within our securities tightened. We believe market conditions could lead to further tightening over the summer. The European Central Bank and the Bank of England remain accommodative. This,...
Monthly Commentary – June 21 USD

Monthly Commentary – May 2021 USD

May was a stable month for the securities held within our portfolio. At the beginning of the month, concerns about inflation created volatility across financial markets. However, those concerns eased following comments from central bankers. In our view, a key question...
Monthly Commentary – June 21 USD

Monthly Commentary – April 2021 USD

April was a positive month for financial markets. Increases in US interest rates paused although we did see moves higher in gilts and European rates. Our securities continued to show their resilience to those moves and once again demonstrated their low sensitivity to...
Monthly Commentary – June 21 USD

Monthly Commentary – March 2021 USD

Interest rates continued to rise in March, prompting concern from many fixed income investors. Our securities once again demonstrated their resilience to rising rates. Our exposure to fixed-to-floaters and floaters ensure that the fund has low sensitivity to interest...
Performance – Q1 2021 USD

Performance – Q1 2021 USD

The fund increased by 0.8% over the quarter (USD Inst), versus the Barclays USD Aggregate Corporate Total Return Index, which decreased by 4.6%. Performance of the fund for the period There are two important sources of return for the fund. The first, which is...
  • The Valuation date: March 5, 2025
    120,250,305GAM Sustainable Climate Bond fundIE000BSJBO14-1.21-0.01210.00150.15-0.0135-1.35
    220,250,305GAM Star Crdt Ops EUR InvIE00B50JD354-0.64-0.00640.00780.780.678667.86
    320,250,305GAM Star Crdt Ops GBP InvIE00B510J173-0.33-0.00330.01371.370.970197.01
    420,250,305GAM Star Crdt Ops USD InvIE00B5769310-0.06-0.00060.01841.840.886288.62
    520,250,305GAM Interest Trend IncIE00BYM4P913-0.13-0.00130.01941.940.414441.44

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