by wp-admin | Oct 10, 2023 | Analysis & Performance, EUR, News
The month of August was softer for our securities. Inflation continues going down but remains too high for the central banks. Spreads on the subordinated debt of financials widened during the month and remain at very wide levels.
by wp-admin | Oct 10, 2023 | Analysis & Performance, GBP, News
The month of August was softer for our securities. Inflation continues going down but remains too high for the central banks. Spreads on the subordinated debt of financials widened during the month and remain at very wide levels.
by wp-admin | Oct 10, 2023 | Analysis & Performance, News, USD
The month of August was softer for our securities. Inflation continues going down but remains too high for the central banks. Spreads on the subordinated debt of financials widened during the month and remain at very wide levels.
by wp-admin | Oct 10, 2023 | Analysis & Performance, Climate Bond, News
Sentiment was somewhat weaker in August, with spreads on EUR investment grade (IG) corporates 8 bps wider on the month to 155 bps. Rates volatility weighed on IG spreads, as the 10-year German bund yield peaked at 2.71% in mid-August and then ended the month lower at 2.47%. Inflation and central banks remain in focus – as inflation continues to slow but remains too high for central banks.
by wp-admin | Aug 29, 2023 | Analysis & Performance, Climate Bond, News
Sentiment remained strong in July, as the theme of disinflation coupled with a soft landing made a
comeback. Spreads on EUR IG corporates were c15 bps tighter on the month to 147 bps. EUR IG corporate total returns were positive on the month (1.05%) as tighter spreads were partially offset by higher rates.
by wp-admin | Aug 29, 2023 | Analysis & Performance, News, USD
Sentiment was strong in July. The theme of disinflation coupled with a soft landing made a comeback during the month. This was partially linked to the lower-than-expected inflation prints that we saw within the US and the UK. This meant that we saw spreads in general tighten, and more so within subordinated financial debt, to the benefit of securities we hold.