Atlanticomnium (Atlanti), the Geneva and London fund management and wealth management firm, has appointed Ms Karina Robinson as a Non-Executive Director. Ms Robinson succeeds Peter Zaugg who has completed his term in this role.

Atlanti is among the top four fund managers globally specialising in the management of Subordinated Bond funds of Financial Institutions. Last year it launched a Sustainable Climate Bond fund and is also growing its long-established wealth management offering. Ms Robinson will help Atlanti develop its strategy and broaden its geographic reach and product range.

Jeremy Smouha, Chairman said: “I would like to welcome Karina Robinson to the board and look forward to her extensive experience contributing to helping Atlanti grow and to ensuring that we have an appropriately international outlook to support this ambition. I would also like to thank Peter Zaugg for his valued support for the firm over many years, during which he carried out his duties with great care and circumspection”.

About Karina Robinson

Ms Robinson has had a distinguished, multi-faceted career. She was a journalist covering international financial issues at Bloomberg TV and News, Senior Editor of The Banker and a Banking Columnist for the International Herald Tribune. Ms Robinson is now the CEO of Robinson Hambro Ltd, which provides Chairman/CEO Advisory services and Board Search. In 2021 Karina founded The City Quantum Summit, which brings together the financial services and quantum technology sectors and writes a column on the implications of the quantum computing revolution for The Quantum Insider. Ms Robinson is an Emeritus Governor of the London School of Economics, and Co-Director of The Inclusion Initiative, a research unit at the LSE which uses insights from behavioural science and data to change the culture of City firms. She chairs the Advisory Board to the Lord Mayor’s Appeal and was Master of the Worshipful Company of International Bankers. She was educated in Madrid, at the Hotchkiss School in the US and at the London School of Economics where she studied economics and international relations .

For further information please contact: +447785241012

Official Release in PDF (ENG)(FR)

  • The Valuation date: October 7, 2024
    120,241,002GAM Sustainable Climate Bond fundIE000BSJBO140.00130.0506-0.02320.135.06-2.32
    220,241,002GAM Star Crdt Ops EUR InvIE00B50JD3540.00100.10460.64600.1010.4664.60
    320,241,002GAM Star Crdt Ops GBP InvIE00B510J173-0.00010.08950.9224-522.538.9592.24
    420,241,002GAM Star Crdt Ops USD InvIE00B57693100.00060.09840.85200.069.8485.20
    520,241,002GAM Interest Trend IncIE00BYM4P9130.00030.09690.38260.039.6938.26
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